Congratulations! You're ready to add a listing. Follow the steps below to get started or watch our short video at the bottom of this page to learn the ins and outs of listings in Pipedrive.

1. Log in to Pipedrive and go to your Deals (dollar icon) on the left-hand side.

2. Click the green +Deal button.
3. Enter the seller's contact name, seller's organization, internal title (this will be for your team only & will not show up on your website), and commission value for the business you are selling. (Note: You should be on the seller pipeline. This is where your listings live.) 

4. Enter the pipeline stage and add labels (optional). If you already have a signed agreement, you can add the expected closing date. Choose your visibility group. Enter the seller's phone number and email. Click save.

5. You will now see your new listing on the Pipeline phase that you put it in. Click on the listing in your seller pipeline.

6. Under "Website Sync," choose whether you want this listing to show up on your website (yes/no) and if you want it to be featured (yes/no). Note: If a listing is in the "On Market" phase and show on web is marked as yes, the listing WILL be visible on your website.

7. Fill out the Public Advertised Title. (This will show up on your website, so you may want to make it unique or specific if you have similar listings.) Note: do not put any special characters besides a $ or ! in your public advertised title. Doing so will cause your NDA automations to not function properly.

8. Fill out the internal ID. This can be any letter/number combination you choose, but the ID you put here needs to be the same internal ID or office reference ID you put on all the other business-for-sale sites.

9. Fill in the industry (you can choose multiple industries & the industry correlates to a stock photo that will show up on your listing), location, business is, description, asking price, EBITDA, SDE, gross revenue, FF&E, FF&E included, inventory, inventory included, real estate, real estate included, number of employees, year established, facilities & assets, support & training, market & competition, growth & expansion, reason for selling, and financing notes. The more information you can fill in here, the better!

10. You can skip the "Tombstone" section for now. Once you make the sale, mark it as sold and add the sold date in that field. The Tombstone data field will correlate to a blurb on your sold listing: (See "Represented by Wright Advisor" below): 

Image Placeholder

11. Under the "Deal Studio Automations" section, choose the current status for your listing (New, Active, Under Contract, Sold). Depending on the status you choose, a staus flag will be displayed on your listing: 

Image Placeholder

12. If you use a blind profile/executive summary/teaser email, enter that URL in the blind profile URL field. Follow the same process for the CIM/CBR URL, upload folder URL, closing folder URL, fileshare upload link, fileshare uploas ID, user ID, and item ID. (Note: These links will be added to your automated emails so your client can easily view them. If there is not a link in the URL field, the automated email will not send.)

13. Quick note: change the owner of the listing (this will also update the "contact listing agent" section of your website) and add/remove followers on the top right of the deal.

14. Going back to your seller pipeline, filter whose listings you see by clicking the filter option on the top left. Choose between everyone or a specific broker. (If you do not have this option, you may need to look into your visibility/permission settings.)

15. To see all of the buyers who have inquired about a particular listing, go back to the deal and click on the organization name (under the seller's name on the left-hand side.) Scroll down to "Deals" and click "See all deals" to bring up a list of all the potential buyers. (Click the settings gear on the right hand side to add/remove columns if you also want to view what stage their in.)

16. Drag and drop your deals between each of the phases on your pipeline. You can also drag it to the bottom of your screen to delete a deal or mark it as lost/won.

Please Note: Even if you are not planning to have listings show on your website (you only want them on an external site, such as BizBuySell or other), you still have to add them to Pipedrive with all the required fields so the automations will work. (When you're adding the listing to Pipedrive, on the "Show on web" field -- select "no")