Do you want a quick & easy way to add existing buyers to Pipedrive? Check out our instructions and short video below!

1. At the end of your website URL, type "/add" and hit enter. This will bring up the hidden "Add Existing Opportunity" page on your website.

2. Enter the details for your existing buyer -- name, email, and phone number.

3. Select the engagement (listing) they have inquired about from the drop-down list. (This list is populated directly from your Pipedrive listings so if you don't see it there, make sure the listing is in your Pipedrive and under the "On Market" phase of the seller pipeline.)

4. For the last question ("Send emails to sign an NDA?") mark NO if you already have a signed NDA from the potential buyer. Click Submit Opportunity and the new buyer will be added to your Pipedrive where you can then add their NDA document/file to their deal.

However, if you do not have a signed NDA from the potential buyer, mark YES and click Submit Opportunity to have an NDA sent to them. This will trigger your NDA notice emails (a total of 4) inviting them to sign the NDA over a couple of weeks. Once the NDA is signed, it will be attached to their deal and your buyer will move through the set phases of your buyer pipeline.