Do you want to view a list of all the buyers for a specific listing? If so, you've come to the right place! Take a look at the steps below or watch our short video at the bottom of this page.

1. Log in to your Pipedrive and go to the buyer pipeline. (*Make a mental note of what your buyer's internal title starts with -- this may be the internal ID number, name of the company, or something else.)

2. Click on your name on the right-hand side and click on "filters" on the far right.

3. Scroll down and click on + Add new filter.

4. In the top box (match ALL of these conditions): type in DEAL > PIPELINE > IS > BUYERS. Then add another condition in the same section: DEAL > TITLE > STARTS WITH > [your buyers' internal title]

5. Name your filter (Example: [Listing Name] Buyers) and choose your visibility (Shared if you want everyone in the company to be able to view your filter or Private if you want to keep it for your use only.)

6. Click Save.

7. You will now see all of the buyers for that particular listing. If you would like to see a list view, click the 4 horizontal lines icon on the left-hand side.

8. Once you're in the list view, if you'd like to add more columns of information (such as the stage), click on the gear icon on the right-hand side and click what columns you'd like to view or not view and click save.

9. If you see any rows in red, those deals have been marked as lost.

10. In order to send a group email, select the entire list by clicking the square to the left of "Title" or choose your recipients individually and then click "Send group email on the top." (Keep in mind: Pipedrive email will send up to 100 emails at a time. And more than that will go out in separate batches of 100.)

11. Choose a template if you already have one set up or create your own email, then once you're done editing, click the green "send # messages" button on the bottom to send your email.