Let's take a look at your company settings within Pipedrive!

Log in to Pipedrive, click your name/profile picture icon on the top right, and click on "Company settings" under Company Overview. 

1. Company settings page:
  • General: Change your company name and company domain. 
  • Activities: Choose whether or not you want a scheduling pop-up to show when you do not have any activities scheduled for a person/organization/deal. Change, reorder, or add new activity types and turn off activity types that you do not use. 
  • Currencies: Add a new currency for your listings.
  • Lost reasons: Add a "lost reason" so that when a buyer or seller deal is marked as lost, you can mark why and filter that information later to view accurate reports. You can also turn on "allow free-form reasons" from this page.
2. Manage users page:
  • Users and access: View active, invited, and deactivated users. Click the three dots ("actions") on the far right of a user's name to look at the user overview, quickly edit their access rights or deactivate a user. Click the green "+ User" button on the top right to invite new users to Pipedrive. (Be aware that adding more users than your plan allows may incur an additional monthly cost.)
  • Permission sets: Permission sets change what your Pipedrive users can do and see. Admin users will always have access and visibility to everything within Pipedrive, but "regular users" can have specific guidelines. Click the green "+ Permission set" button on the top right to create a specific list of permissions for a group of people or edit each users rights individually by clicking the three dots on the right-hand side:
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  • Visibility groups: Visibility groups change what your Pipedrive users can view. Just like permission sets, Admin users will always have access and visibility to everything within Pipedrive, but "regular users" can have specific guidelines. Click the green "+ group" button on the top right to create a specific visibility option for a group of people or edit your default group by clicking on the "Default group" header and changing your visibility settings there. 
  • Team filters (if included in your plan): Create different teams if you have multiple offices or locations and want to easily specify permissions and visibility by teams. 
3. User overview page:
  • Gives a bird's eye view of each of your users. Quickly view their recent activity and notifications.
4. Data fields page:
  • Add data fields to Leads/deals, People, Organizations and Projects (if added). Please do not delete or change the data fields we have set for you. 
5. Usage page:
  • Get a quick look of your usage within Pipedrive -- including email accounts, open deals, custom data fields, reports, teams, custom visibility groups, and custom permission sets.
6. Billing page:
  • Overview of your Pipedrive invoices, billing details, plan pricing, and add-ons.