Let's take a look at your personal preferences within Pipedrive!

Log in to Pipedrive, click your name/profile picture icon on the top right, and click on "Personal preferences" under My Account. 

1. Personal preferences page: 
  • Account: Change your profile picture, name, email, time zone (automatically updates with your current timezone), date format, language, default currency, and interface preferences.
  • Your companies: Manage the companies you belong to.
  • API: This API token is used by our developers so you shouldn't need to do anything with this tab.
2. Password and login page:
  • Change password: Here you can change your password. If you ever need to do this, please send an email to our developers at support@deal-studio.com to give them the new password so that your automations are not affected.
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA): You're welcome to turn this on for an added layer of protection. However, if you need to contact Deal Studio support for any reason, please turn it off so our developers can log in and assist. Once your issue has been resolved, you can turn it back on again. 
3. Email sync page:
  • Account: Change the name that emails are sent from on your account; add email signatures (you can have more than one); choose if you want to track when emails are opened and links are clicked on (we highly recommend you leaving this feature on); choose if you want to receive in-app notifications when emails are viewed or links are clicked. Choose whether emails are shared or private. Choose whether you want to sync emails with a particular label. Choose when to sync past emails from (you can go back as far as a year.) This is also where you can choose to stop syncing or remove your email account. 
  • Smart BCC: Copy and paste the Smart Bcc address into the Cc or Bcc field when sending emails or forwarding received emails to your Pipedrive email to automatically sync the emails to Pipedrive. Change your default email sharing status (private or shared).
  • Blocked addresses: Add email addresses that you want to block from receiving emails.
  • General settings: Mark Pipedrive as your default email composer; automatically link emails to leads, deals, or projects; archive and/or delete emails in your external email when archiving and/or deleting in Pipedrive.
4. Contact sync page:
  • Click the green "Add New Account" button to sync your Google, Outlook, or Microsoft 365 contacts with Pipedrive contacts. Follow the prompts. 
5. Calendar sync page:
  • Click the green "Add New Account" button to sync your Google, Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft Office 365 calendar with your Pipedrive calendar. Follow the prompts. 
6. Google Drive sync page:
  • Click the green "Connect to Google Drive" button to automatically sync your Pipedrive documents with Google Drive. All files uploaded to Pipedrive will automatically be stored on your Google Drive.  Follow the prompts to complete the sync. 
7. Your devices page:
  • See an overview of devices currently logged into your account, as well as your device history for the last 60 days. If you need to log someone out of your account, you can do that here as well. 
8. Notifications page:
  • Sales assistant notifications: Click on "Open Sales Assistant settings" to change which notifications you receive and what time they are delivered.
  • In-app desktop notifications: Choose whether you want to view real-time notifications as they happen or not.
  • Marketing preferences: Choose if you'd like to receive marketing emails or not and if you want your information shared with third-parties or not.
9. Interface preferences page: 
  • Appearance: Choose between a light theme or dark theme. 
  • Navigation: Turn on or off keyboard shortcuts. 
  • Default landing page: Choose which page you'd like to view as your default homepage when you open Pipedrive and also when you click the Pipedrive logo in the top left-hand corner of the sidebar. (Most people choose the Deals page, but it's completely up to you.)
  • Left sidebar options: Drag and drop what pages you want to access from the left sidebar. Click the eye icon to hide it from view in the "More" menu. Click save when you are finished to update your preferences.