Pipedrive Templates for Automated Emails

Note: Template names and automated fields (everything in red) should not be changed. 



1. Template Name: Initial Interest Email 1


Subject: NDA for (Public Advertised Title)

Hi (First Name),


Thank you for your interest in our listing: (Public Advertised Title).


Please click here (Unsigned NDA URL) to access the Confidentiality Form, which you can fill out electronically. Once we receive the completed form, we will reach out to you with more information about the business.


We look forward to working with you and helping you explore this opportunity!


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential buyer inquires about a business on your website (a.k.a when they fill out the “Contact Listing Agent” form on the right-hand side of a listing – shown below.)


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2. Template Name: Initial Interest Email 2


Subject: NDA for (Public Advertised Title)

Hi (First Name),


A few days ago you inquired about our listing: (Public Advertised Title). Are you still interested in this opportunity?


If so, please click here (Unsigned NDA URL) to access the Confidentiality Form and fill it out electronically.


Once we receive the completed form, we will reach out to you with more information about the business.


We look forward to being of assistance. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent 3 days after “Initial Interest Email 1” is sent if the potential buyer has not signed the NDA yet.




3. Template Name: Initial Interest Email 3


Subject: NDA for (Public Advertised Title)

Hi (First Name),


We've reached out to you a few times about your inquiry on the following listing: (Public Advertised Title). Are you still interested in this opportunity?


If you are still interested, please click here (Unsigned NDA URL) to access the Buyer Registration and Confidentiality Form.  It is quick and easy to fill it out electronically.


Once we receive the completed form, we will contact you with more information about the business.


We look forward to helping you in the near future.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions!


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent 7 days after “Initial Interest Email 2” is sent if the potential buyer has not signed the NDA yet.




4.Template Name: Initial Interest Email 4


Subject: NDA for (Public Advertised Title)

Hi (First Name),


We've reached out to you several times regarding the listing: (Public Advertised Title). Would you still like to learn more about this opportunity?  We certainly don't want to bother you with unnecessary emails!  If we don't hear anything further from you, we will assume you are no longer interested. 


If you are indeed still interested, we are happy to provide you with information about the listing. Please just click here (Unsigned NDA URL) to access the Buyer Registration and Confidentiality Form, and then submit it to us electronically. Once we receive the completed form, we will be in touch with more information about the business opportunity.


Just let me know if I can be of assistance.


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent 10 days after “Initial Interest Email 3” is sent if the potential buyer has still not signed the NDA. If by this point, they have not signed the NDA and do not respond to the fourth email, the deal will automatically be marked as lost 3 days after “Initial Interest Email 4” is sent.




5. Template Name: Under Contract - Initial Interest


Subject: (Public Advertised Title) is Under Contract

Hi (First Name),


The business (Public Advertised Title) that you recently requested information about is under contract. We will contact you in the event that the current deal falls apart.


However, if you are open to placing a backup offer for this business please sign our Confidentiality Agreement here: (Unsigned NDA URL).


Meanwhile, I have placed your contact information in our CRM to have it handy.


Thank you for your inquiry.


Best Regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential buyer inquires about a business on your website that is already under contract (aka when they fill out the “Contact Listing Agent” form on the right-hand side of a listing.)




6. Template Name: Under Contract - NDA


Subject: (Public Advertised Title) is Now Under Contract

Hi (First Name),


The business (Public Advertised Title) that you recently requested information about is under contract. We will contact you in the event that the current deal falls apart.


Please take a look at our other available businesses for sale here.


Meanwhile, I have placed your contact information in our CRM to have it handy.


Thank you for your inquiry.


Best Regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential buyer signs an NDA for a listing on your website that is already under contract.




7. Template Name: Sold Business


Subject: (Public Advertised Title) is Sold

Hi (First Name),


The business (Public Advertised Title) that you recently requested information about has sold. Please feel free to browse our other businesses for sale here.


Thank you for your inquiry.


Best Regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a business is marked as sold to any potential buyers who inquired about that listing or filled out an NDA for that listing.




8. Template Name: NDA Follow-Up Email


Subject: Executive Summary for (Public Advertised Title)

Dear (First Name),


Thank you again for your interest in the (Public Advertised Title).


Because you have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I am sending you a link to the Executive Summary that provides further information on this business. Please follow this link:(Blind Profile URL).


While it does not identify the business name or location, it does provide an expansive description of the company, as well as restated financial statements that illustrate the Seller Discretionary Earnings (cash flow) for the business.


I'm sure you will have more questions after reviewing this. Please contact me to schedule a time to discuss those, as well as go over our next steps in exploring this opportunity.


For availability, please click here.


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is automatically sent to a potential buyer 15 minutes after an NDA has been signed if there is a URL in the “Blind Profile URL” field on the seller deal (listing) in Pipedrive. If that field (shown below) is blank, this email will not go out


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9. Template Name: CBR


Subject: CBR/CIM for (Public Advertised Title)

Hi (First Name),


Thank you again for your interest in the (Public Advertised Title).


Because you have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I am sending you a link to the Confidential Business Review that provides further information on this business. Please follow this link: (CBR URL).


I'm available for any further questions via this link here.


Best regards,



When is it sent? This email is sent to a potential buyer after a deal is manually moved to the CBR Sent phase on the buyer pipeline AND you have selected “yes” on the question in Pipedrive, “Are you sure you want to send CBR/CIM?” (See image below.) There must also be a URL in the “CBR URL” field on the seller deal (listing) in Pipedrive. If that field is blank (shown below), this email will not go out



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10. Template Name: Buyer Leads // Forms


Subject: Company Name //Buyer Forms

Dear (First Name),


Thank you for registering on our website. We wanted to let you know that we have put you on our list and you will now be emailed our new acquisition opportunities that fit your criteria.


If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone in our office directly, please feel free to call us at (insert Phone Number). We look forward to being of service.



(insert Company Name)


When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential buyer fills out the “Join Email List” form on your website. (They will also be added to your contacts in Pipedrive and labeled as a buyer.)




11. Template Name: Seller Leads // Forms


Subject: Company Name //Seller Forms

Dear (First Name),


Thank you for visiting our website. We will contact you shortly to schedule your complimentary business evaluation. We look forward to learning more about your business and assisting you during the sales process.


If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone in our office directly, please feel free to call us at (insert Phone Number). We look forward to being of service.



(insert Company Name)


When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential seller fills out the “Inquire Now” form on your website. They will also be added to your Leads inbox on Pipedrive and labeled as a seller lead (shown below).


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12. Template Name: Lead Creation // Other Forms


Subject: Thank you for contacting (insert Company Name)

Dear (First Name),


Thank you for reaching out to us. We have received your message and look forward to corresponding with you.


A representative from (insert Company Name) will be in touch with you shortly. If you need to speak with someone in the meantime, please feel free to call us at (Phone Number).



(insert Company Name)


When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential client fills out the “Contact Us” form on your website. 




13. Template Name: White Paper Download Link


Subject: insert Company Name // White Paper

Dear (First Name),

Thank you for downloading our free White Paper "Selling a Main-Street Business, the Critical Factors."

We hope you find it to be useful and informative. Here’s a secure link to the white paper. You can view, download, or print it at your convenience. If you have any issues in downloading, please let us know.

No matter whether you are interested in buying or selling a business, we’re happy to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to reach out to us at (insert Phone Number) if you’d like to schedule a call.


(insert Company Name)


When is it sent? This email is automatically sent when a potential client fills out the “Free Whitepaper” form on your website (shown below). They will also be added to your Leads inbox on Pipedrive and labeled as a “whitepaper” lead (shown below).


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