Take a look at our video or read below for a quick glance at your CRM setup!

Sidebar Icons:
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Pipedrive Logo - once clicked, you will navigate to your pre-set landing page. For most users, this will be the Deals tab, however, if you want to change it, click on your name/profile picture in the top right corner > click on "Personal preferences" > then click on "Interface preferences" on the bottom of the left sidebar. Under "Navigation" choose your "Default landing page" and click the green Save button on the bottom of the page.

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Contacts - click here to view all of your people and organization contacts. For more of a deep dive into contacts, check out this video.

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Leads - click here to view your leads inbox and create new leads. For more of a deep dive into leads, check out this video.

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Deals - click here to see all of your deals (listings) and your buyer and seller pipelines. For more of a deep dive into your pipelines, check out this video. To learn how to add a new deal (listing), check out this video.

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Activities - click here to see all of your activities/calendar view (one week at a time.) The red, circled number indicates the number of overdue activities. For more of a deep dive into activities, check out this video.

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Sales Inbox - click here to see your emails and link them to existing deals. The blue, circled number indicates the number of unread emails. For more of a deep dive into email, check out this video.

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Projects - this is an add-on feature to track the progress of your deals. For more information, follow this link to learn more.

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Campaigns - this is an add-on feature to send mass marketing emails and newsletters. For more information, follow this link to learn more.

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More - click here to see more options, such as automations, automatic assignment, documents, insights, marketplace and import data.

Note: To change the layout of your sidebar options and hide/view more icons, click on your name/profile picture in the top right corner of your Pipedrive > click on "Personal preferences" > then click on "Interface preferences" on the bottom of the left sidebar. Under "Navigation" drag and drop the icons you want to appear in the sidebar or more section, then in the more column, click the eye icon to hide items from view. Once finished, click the green Save button on the bottom of the page.

More Resources We Recommend...
Pipedrive Academy Courses (specifically: Getting Started with Pipedrive)
Note: you must be logged in to your Pipedrive account to view.